Krag Val was a member of the Yuuzhan Vong species who was positioned on the planet Bimmiel at the beginning of the invasion.
Val was selected by Commander Shedao Shai to command a team of Yuuzhan Vong warriors that infiltrated the Pesktda Xenobotanical Garden located on Garqi. This occurred after Jacen Solo, Ganner Rhysode, and Corran Horn escaped into the garden alongside a group of resistance members. Val challenged Corran to combat, but Ganner intervened. Then Mushkil, a Noghri, stepped in front of Ganner, and Krag Val killed him. Ganner then attempted to fight Krag Val, who used his Amphistaff to cut Ganner's face, leaving a scar. Jacen then engaged Val, managing to wound him across the chest and knee, incapacitating him until Corran's arrival. By this time, the warriors were suffocating because the pollen from the bafforr was lethal to their armor. Krag Val perished inside his lifeless armor.