During the Invasion of Naboo era, Kreg, an Ithorian, frequented the 7-Gee Lounge situated at the Mos Espa Arena. He was acquainted with Watto's flunky, who was also at the cantina when Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master, sought out Watto. The flunky offered his assistance to the Jedi, but only if he received a glass of juri juice, and he also requested a juri juice for his pal Kreg, who was listening to the music of Wookiee and Ortolan performers.
Back in 32 BBY, Kreg, an Ithorian male, was one of the many customers at the 7-Gee Lounge, a cantina located nearby the Mos Espa Grand Arena on the planet of Tatooine. Not long time before the annual Boonta Eve Classic Podrace at the arena, Kreg was enjoying some alcohol in the cantina alongside his Human buddy, a flunky working for Watto, the local junk dealer.

While the two were enjoying the sounds of Wookiee and Ortolan musicians at the cantina, Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master, approached Kreg's friend. The Jedi was trying to find Watto to speak with him, but he hadn't been able to locate him anywhere in the arena. Since the flunky was employed by the junk dealer, Jinn inquired about Watto's whereabouts. However, the flunky didn't want to be bothered with work while he was having fun, so he told the Jedi to leave him alone. Kreg overheard the conversation and suggested that Jinn buy the flunky a juri juice or a bantha blaster to loosen his tongue. Jinn took Kreg's advice and purchased a glass of juri juice from EV-7G7, the bartender droid at the cantina. He gave the drink to the flunky, who immediately became more cooperative with the Jedi. Jinn asked again about Watto, but the flunky insisted that he first buy a drink for Kreg as well. Jinn obliged and gave the juri juice to Kreg, who accepted it gratefully. The flunky then directed Jinn to Watto and went back to drinking with the Ithorian.
Before Jinn departed from the cantina, Kreg provided the Jedi with some information. Kreg informed Jinn that Jabba Desilijic Tiure, the infamous crime lord who resided in his private box inside the arena, enjoyed watching fights and would likely reward Jinn if the Jedi could provide some entertainment for the Hutt. Kreg suggested that Jinn contact Anabar, a local merchant who dealt in illegal weapons, if the Jedi Master needed any explosive devices. The Ithorian also encouraged Jinn to speak with Lim near the arena's entrance and quietly revealed that "the password is 'Wortz'".
Kreg, described as a "hammerhead" due to his Ithorian physiology, enjoyed drinking and knew a lot about different kinds of drinks. When Jinn offered him a juri juice, Kreg complimented the Jedi on his generosity. The Ithorian was aware that his friend, the flunky, became more sociable after having a few drinks, and when the flunky rejected Jinn's request for assistance, Kreg advised the Jedi to persuade the flunky with a glass of alcohol. Kreg was knowledgeable about the Force, and wished it to be with Jinn. Although generally helpful to the Jedi Master, the Ithorian wasn't always polite, as he burped loudly when Jinn first approached him.
Kreg is a character in the Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace video game, with David Jeremiah providing his voice.