Watto's flunky

A subordinate of Watto, a Human male residing on Tatooine, specifically within the city of Mos Espa, occasionally assisted Watto, the Toydarian scrap merchant, in organizing discarded items. During 32 BBY, he encountered Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master, who inquired with the subordinate about a T-14 hyperdrive generator that the Jedi sought to acquire. The subordinate informed him that Watto possessed one, but it would be expensive. Subsequently, Jinn engaged in a wager with Watto himself; if Anakin Skywalker, Watto's young slave, emerged victorious in the annual Boonta Eve Classic Podrace, Watto would furnish the Jedi with the T-14.

The following day, the subordinate was relaxing with his companion Kreg at the 7-Gee Lounge cantina within the Mos Espa Grand Arena, when Jinn approached, seeking Watto's location for a conversation. Initially, the inebriated subordinate declined to assist the Jedi, but he soon relented and guided Jinn to Watto after the Jedi procured a juri juice for him. Shortly thereafter, the race commenced, and the subordinate observed it alongside Watto.


Career on Mos Espa

The flunky in the junkyard of Watto's shop

A Human male living on the planet of Tatooine in the city known as Mos Espa, Watto's flunky was an employee of the Toydarian junk dealer, occasionally sorting through the refuse at his establishment. In addition to Watto, with whom he developed a friendship, the flunky had associations with various other individuals, including his Ithorian friend Kreg, the Podracer and "drinking buddy" Teemto Pagalies, and Watto's young slave boy, Anakin Skywalker.

During 32 BBY, the day before the scheduled annual Boonta Eve Classic Podrace, the flunky was spending time in the junkyard of Watto's Shop when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn approached him, seeking to purchase a T-14 hyperdrive generator from the Toydarian.

Jinn inquired about the flunky's identity, and the man explained that he worked for Watto. When Jinn asked about the T-14, the flunky cautioned him that while Watto did possess one, he would not offer it at a low price. The Jedi Master also asked about Watto and Skywalker. The flunky revealed that Watto enjoyed betting on the Boonta's Eve race, but he doubted that the Toydarian would wager with Jinn. Regarding Skywalker, the flunky stated that while the boy owned a Podracer and possessed skill in piloting it, he did not believe Skywalker could defeat Sebulba, the reigning podracing champion of Tatooine.

Unable to afford the required credits to purchase the generator, Jinn was compelled to make a wager with Watto, betting that Skywalker would win the Boonta Eve race that year; if the slave boy won, Watto would grant him his freedom and provide the T-14 to the Jedi. Contrary to the flunky's expectations, the Toydarian agreed to the terms of the bet.

The Boonta Eve race

The subsequent day, Watto granted the flunky a day off, which he used to attend the race. Before the race began, the flunky settled into the 7-Gee Lounge, a cantina situated adjacent to the Mos Espa Grand Arena, and passed the time by listening to a duo of Wookiee and Ortolan musicians and consuming alcohol with Kreg. Meanwhile, Jinn was searching for Watto within the arena to discuss the details of their wager.

Jinn asked Teemto Pagalies, who was also drinking in the 7-Gee Lounge, about Watto's location. After some convincing, Pagalies agreed to assist the Jedi and directed him to the flunky, claiming that he would know where Watto was.

The flunky attends the Boonta Eve Classic with Watto.

However, the now-intoxicated flunky, displeased by the interruption of his leisure, refused to assist Jinn. Kreg suggested that Jinn buy the flunky a drink to encourage his cooperation. Jinn purchased a glass of juri juice from the bartender droid EV-7G7 for the flunky, who quickly became more amenable towards the Jedi. Before assisting the Jedi Master, the flunky requested that Jinn also buy a drink for Kreg, which the Jedi did. The flunky went to see if the Toydarian would speak with Jinn, but instead of waiting at the cantina, Jinn decided to follow the flunky and meet with Watto himself.

When the race finally commenced, the flunky joined Watto in the latter's private box to observe the competition. Initially at a disadvantage, Skywalker soon began to gain ground on Sebulba. The flunky began to think that Skywalker could potentially defeat the Dug, but Watto remained confident that Sebulba would prevail. The Toydarian was soon proven wrong when Skywalker caused the champion's Podracer to crash. Skywalker crossed the finish line, winning the race, securing his freedom, and obtaining the T-14 hyperdrive generator for Jinn.

Personality and traits

The flunky drinking in the 7-Gee Lounge.

The flunky's opinions on various matters were subject to change. During his initial encounter with Jinn, he displayed neither kindness nor animosity. However, he later became irritated when the Jedi Master disrupted his leisure activities by inquiring about Watto's location. Regarding Jinn as an annoyance, the flunky initially told him to leave, but he quickly changed his mind when Jinn offered him a juri juice. Although he initially believed that Skywalker could not defeat Sebulba in the Podrace, he began to suspect that the boy might have a chance to win as the race approached its final lap. The flunky had a number of friends, and he was quick to make more; he considered Jinn to be one after the Jedi bought him a drink.

Under the influence of alcohol, the flunky's voice and demeanor underwent a noticeable transformation. His typically calm disposition became more irritable, and he preferred not to be bothered by business matters during his day off. However, as his friend Kreg observed, he became more sociable after a few drinks and could be easily persuaded with one. The flunky preferred not to drink alone and requested that Jinn also purchase a juri juice for his Ithorian friend. When the flunky agreed to inquire with Watto about Jinn, he cautioned the Jedi not to expect much, as he believed the Toydarian would be unwilling to speak with him. The flunky was surprised and slightly angered when he realized that Jinn had not remained in the cantina as instructed and attempted, unsuccessfully, to order Jinn to return.

Behind the scenes

Watto's flunky makes an appearance in the Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace video game, where Joe Alaskey provides his voice. While his name is not mentioned in the game, the game's credits identify him as "Watto's Flunky".


The Phantom Menace presents multiple alternative scenarios for interacting with the flunky. In the game, Qui-Gon Jinn, controlled by the player, first encounters him in the sixth level, "Mos Espa". Jinn is not required to interact with him in this level, and conversing with him does not affect the game's storyline. Furthermore, Jinn has the option to kill the flunky, but this will result in Watto and Anakin refusing to assist the murderer, effectively making the level impossible to complete.

The flunky plays a significant role in the subsequent level, "Mos Espa Arena". He is the only one who can open the door leading to Watto, with whom it is essential to speak to complete the level. Jinn can persuade Teemto Pagalies to help him locate Watto, and the racer will direct him to the flunky, although the Jedi can also speak with the flunky independently. Killing the flunky is again possible, and if done after speaking with Watto, the level can still be completed. However, even if killed, he is still seen alive, watching the podrace with Watto in the end of the level.

Due to these various options, the canonical way to interact with the flunky remains unclear. However, the flunky's dialogue in the arena level suggests that Jinn has already spoken with him in the previous level. Since he is seen alive during the Boonta Eve race, his potential death in the game is considered non-canonical. Moreover, the precise canonical form of the dialogue choices Jinn uses is ambiguous. This article assumes 100% game completion.

