
Kurt, a Human male hailing from the Inner Rim Territories world of Onderon, was a native member of the Beast Riders. As a member of the Onderon wilderness group, Kurt held the position of flight leader, directing multiple squads, known as "wings," of warriors mounted on drexl beasts within the Beast Rider army.

During the final battle of Onderon's centuries-long civil conflict, a war between his Beast Rider comrades and the inhabitants of Iziz, the sole civilized city on Onderon, Kurt fought under the command of his superior, Gobee. Kurt played a crucial role by neutralizing Iziz's perimeter defenses and then suppressing the turbolaser fire originating from the Iziz Royal Palace's rooftop. His actions were instrumental in securing the city's capture and the subsequent defeat of the Iziz forces.


Kurt, a Human male, was a Beast Rider originating from the wilds of the planet Onderon. By 4000 BBY, he had risen to the rank of flight leader within the Beast Rider army. In this role, Kurt oversaw several squads, or "wings," of warriors who rode drexl beasts. He was subordinate to Commander Gobee.

In 4,000 BBY, the centuries-long conflict that had plagued Kurt's homeworld between his beast-riding people and the residents of Iziz, Onderon's only city, was reaching its conclusion. The Beast Riders had revolted against the city-dwellers, who worshipped the dark side and were led by the sorceress-Queen Amanoa, whose power derived from the memory of the deceased Dark Lord of the Sith Freedon Nadd. Determined not to be enslaved by the power of the Sith, Kurt and his fellow Beast Riders united under the leadership of Beast-Lord Modon Kira. This resulted in the largest gathering of warriors ever assembled against Iziz, all with the goal of liberating the city from the dark side's oppression.

Early during the battle, Kurt's forces successfully destroyed the defensive towers that fortified Iziz's northern wall, allowing ground troops, riding wild boma beasts, to enter the city without resistance. Kurt then directed his riders in an assault on the eastern wall, mirroring his successful attack on the north side. However, Commander Gobee, having dismounted his flying beast to lead the ground forces into the city, found himself and his troops pinned down near the Iziz Royal Palace by intense enemy fire. Left with no other choice, Gobee used his commed to order Kurt to cease his attack on the east wall and instead bombard the palace roof with counterfire. Kurt immediately complied, successfully eliminating the rooftop turbolasers. This allowed the Beast Riders to finally converge on the citadel from all directions, with Kurt continuing to provide supporting fire to his comrades on the ground.

After a period of intense combat, the Beast Riders emerged victorious, defeating the city-dwellers with the help of several Jedi Knights. Following the battle, these Jedi remained on Onderon, assisting in establishing a peaceful coexistence between the city-dwellers and Kurt's Beast Rider community.

Personality and traits

Flight leader Kurt was a capable military leader. Demonstrating his courage, Kurt led from the front, spearheading attacks against the enemy. As a subordinate to Commander Gobee, Kurt displayed unwavering loyalty and obedience, following his superior's orders without hesitation. Gobee held Kurt in high regard among his flight leaders, trusting him to complete tasks quickly and efficiently.

As a ranking officer within the Beast Rider army, Kurt possessed expertise in flying tamed drexl beasts. While mounted, Kurt could rapidly adjust his course, often executing strafing runs and providing supporting fire to ground troops in need. Kurt was also skilled in using various ranged weapons while riding his beast, a common trait among his peers.

Behind the scenes

Kurt's character made his debut in the Tales of the Jedi audio dramatization of the Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon comic, penned by John Whitman and adapted from the original script by author Tom Veitch. Kurt has only a couple of brief lines in the audio drama and is not mentioned by name at all in the comic version of The Beast Wars of Onderon.

Additionally, the actor who voiced Kurt's character was not credited alongside the other voice actors in the Tales of the Jedi audio, and the spelling of his name has never been officially canonically confirmed. Therefore, this article uses the most common real-world spelling of the name.

