Lando Calrissian's gem broker

After being extracted and loaded onto automated cargo pods, the Corusca gems that had been mined by GemDiver Station were shipped to Lando Calrissian's Corusca gem broker. This individual, who both resided and conducted his business on Borgo Prime, held the responsibility of selling the gems to buyers. Although his agreement with Calrissian only allowed him to receive a small portion of the profits generated, the gems' immense value made up for this.

The gem broker was extremely protective of his clients' identities, keeping them secret from Calrissian. His reasoning was that if Calrissian were to learn who they were, he would no longer be needed as an intermediary. However, if offered a sufficient amount of money, his professional standards could be easily ignored.

Luke Skywalker and Tenel Ka—using the aliases of Iltar and Beknit—realized this when they sought to uncover the identity of the purchaser of the industrial Corusca gems. Ironically, these gems were used to breach the hull of GemDiver Station during the kidnapping of Jacen, Jaina, and Lowbacca. Despite his initial refusal to disclose the names of his clients, the gem broker was easily persuaded by a Corusca gem necklace to reveal that a Nightsister had recently acquired a significant quantity of industrial-grade gems.

Personality and traits

Lando's broker was a man with a large beard who had a noticeable limp.

