The Lantillian Spacers' Brotherhood functioned as a group that employed independent smugglers to illicitly transport weapons to anti-Imperial resistance fighters, such as the Partisans. Platt Okeefe, a smuggler, mentioned the Brotherhood as a possible employer within the pages of the Smuggler's Guide, but cautioned that association with them could lead to accusations of treason.
Around 35 ABY, the Lantillian Spacers' Brotherhood operated on the planet Kijimi, where they, alongside entities like the Corellian Merchants' Guild and the Intracluster Gatherers, stood as one of the most powerful organizations within the Thieves' Quarter located in Kijimi City.
The initial reference to the Lantillian Spacers' Brotherhood within the new Star Wars canon appeared in Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, a 2018 reference book authored by Daniel Wallace. The Lantillian Spacers' Brotherhood's conceptual origins are rooted in the Star Wars Legends continuity, first appearing in Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim, a 1993 sourcebook by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, penned by Simon Smith and Eric Trautmann.