
Largo, a male Human merchant, made his home in the Upper City on the planet Taris.


Due to Largo's failure to remit 200 credits representing Davik Kang's share, Davik placed a bounty targeting Largo. Fearing for his well-being, Largo took refuge in the North Apartments, where Revan discovered him in 3956 BBY. Despite possessing 100 credits, an Energy Projector valued at 150 credits, a blaster, and additional funds and items stored in his footlocker, Largo falsely claimed to Revan that he lacked the means to settle his debt with Davik.

After Largo detailed his desperate situation to Revan, the former Sith Lord provided Largo with 200 credits to resolve the outstanding debt. Overjoyed and surprised by Revan's altruistic act towards a stranger, Largo expressed his profound gratitude and promptly delivered the funds to Davik. Consequently, the bounty was quickly rescinded.

Personality and traits

With a bounty on his head threatening his existence, Largo descended into extreme paranoia, concealing himself in his residence while dreading the arrival of bounty hunters. When Revan encountered him, he was a bundle of nerves, resorting to pleading and groveling, and readily offering money to preserve his life. Nevertheless, faced with an imminent threat from a bounty hunter intent on his demise, he could summon the resolve to defend himself, preferring to perish fighting rather than as a coward.


Largo carried a blaster pistol consistently at his side whenever bounty hunters posed a threat to his life.

Behind the scenes

Upon their initial meeting, Largo will promptly attempt to bribe Revan with 50 credits to dissuade them from revealing his location to Davik. Should the player accept this offer, dark side points will be gained, accompanied by a scolding from Carth Onasi if he is present within the party at that moment.

Conversely, if the player selects the light side option and Carth is present, Carth will commend Revan's generosity while voicing his concern that those credits may be needed later.

Regardless of whether the player accepts Largo's bribe or not, Largo can be killed, and the bounty can be collected from Zax to obtain dark side points.

The acquisition of dark side points for demanding credits from Largo is limited to the initial conversation. Subsequent demands for credits in later dialogues will not yield dark side points, although Carth will still voice his disapproval. Consequently, it is feasible to request the 50 credits and then provide Largo with the 200 credits necessary to settle his debt with Davik, effectively resulting in a net loss of 150 credits.

