
Lars was affiliated with a band of pirates operating within the Cularin system. These pirates, under the employ of Velin Wir, were tasked with the theft of advanced technological goods from multiple Cularin commercial enterprises, with the understanding that any additional spoils acquired during these operations would be retained by the pirates. Notably, this pirate group had previously pilfered a collection of security force uniforms from various companies via a laundry service, which they then utilized to aid in the execution of several illicit activities.

As part of the pirate crew, Lars participated in a raid on Renna's Transport Service, resulting in the theft of one of Renna's shuttles. During the escape, Lars was separated from the group and failed to board the stolen shuttle. However, due to him wearing a stolen Renna's uniform, he was able to evade immediate capture and exit the facility amidst the resulting chaos. Subsequently, a search party seeking Darin, who had been abducted by the same pirate organization, identified and apprehended Lars. He was then handed over to Renna. Following an interrogation by Renna's security personnel, Lars was transferred into the custody of the Office of Peace and Security.

