The Leafy Green, a tapcafe located on Coruscant, featured a design centered around a tree-like pillar, complete with branches extending across the ceiling. Simulated breezes moved the leaves, the floor was covered with a leaf-patterned carpet, the tables resembled moss, and the staff consisted of organic beings, not droids.
Considering its plant-centric design and its location within a Coruscant district known for its plant-shaped lights and Spero's yellow fungus, it's probable that the establishment was either created by or specifically designed to appeal to the Ho'Din.
Mara Jade Skywalker and Anakin Solo visited the cafe to explore Tekli's concerns regarding a potential Yuuzhan Vong infiltrator employed at the establishment. Mara reasoned that the Vong's aversion to mechanical "abominations" would likely lead them to frequent such a place.