A Corellian man hailing from the planet of [Corellia](/article/corellia] in the Core Worlds was involved in a romantic relationship with Ledaney, a New Republic pilot who flew an X-wing, circa 28 ABY. While the connection was fresh, it was common knowledge amongst Ledaney's squadron within the precision air team around the time that Joph Seastriker, a Gatalentan, shared his Equinox Day story with his fellow pilots. Seastriker had suffered from side effects directly after drinking the famously strong beverage, Pamarthen Port in a Storm, a [potent](/article/alcohol] drink. As his peers playfully mocked Seastriker, Ledaney lightheartedly suggested providing him with a fan and some soda water. Seastriker retorted with a playful jab at Ledaney and his Corellian boyfriend, using words that sounded like Ledaney was known to drink excessive amounts of Corellian brandy.
Claudia Gray mentioned Ledaney's significant other in her 2016 novel, Bloodline.