Leia Organa's Rebel scout craft

A starship of unknown origin served as a reconnaissance vessel for Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa in the year 0 ABY. Their purpose was to establish communication with the Akuria Rebel Base. Regrettably, it met its end within the Akuria system, succumbing to the attacks of automated TIE/LN starfighters, resulting in a forced landing on Akuria II.


To accomplish the critical objective of integrating the Akuria Rebel Base into the larger Rebel Alliance, Leia Organa was provided with a scout ship of silver hue, with Luke Skywalker at the controls. Despite its modest exterior dimensions, the vessel boasted a surprisingly spacious interior, featuring a largely unencumbered compartment behind the two-person cockpit. The ship's agility proved sufficient to evade the imposing Star Destroyers, and it further benefited from a cosmic overdrive system, enabling brief bursts of exceptional velocity. Although armed solely with a double laser turret and possessing a hull of unremarkable thickness, the ship's design ensured the safety of its occupants, even after enduring multiple crash landings.


In the period shortly following the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance recognized the vulnerability inherent in its fragmented network of Rebel cells, fearing a potential surprise assault by the Imperial forces. Consequently, they dispatched the scout ship to Akuria II, with the mission of reaching out to the autonomous Akuria Rebel Base and extending an invitation to join the Rebel Alliance. Leia Organa was selected to spearhead this undertaking, with Luke Skywalker serving as her pilot. C-3PO accompanied the mission to facilitate potential interactions with droids, while R2-D2 carried the essential navigation computer data required for charting a course through hyperspace.

Unbeknownst to the crew, the extensive damage sustained by R2-D2 during the Battle of Yavin had not been adequately repaired. A malfunction within the droid caused the scout ship to deviate dramatically from its intended path, leading them to the Keeper's World system, where they materialized amidst an Imperial fleet. While the ship's maneuverability and cosmic overdrive proved sufficient to prevent its immediate destruction, it suffered considerable damage and ultimately crashed on Keeper's World, thereby initiating the Battle of The Keeper's World. During that conflict, the Rebels forged an alliance with The Keeper, a godlike computer entity, who subsequently repaired their vessel and enabled them to proceed with their mission to Akuria II.

However, Imperial forces on Akuria II had laid a trap for the Rebels. Upon their arrival, they were ambushed by robotic TIE/LN starfighters as part of a carefully orchestrated deception. Although Leia Organa managed to utilize the ship's turret to eliminate the majority of the fighters, the final attacker inflicted damage upon the port engine, resulting in the scout ship's ultimate crash landing. Nevertheless, it had successfully fulfilled its purpose of transporting the Rebels to their intended destination.

Behind the scenes

The scout craft, clearly showing three engines in The Final Fury!

Despite the clear implication that the scout craft is the same one featured from the beginning of The Keeper's World story arc to its eventual demise in The Kingdom of Ice!, the visual representation of the craft, particularly the arrangement and quantity of its engines, varied across different issues. In The Final Fury! it is depicted with only three engines, whereas in The Kingdom of Ice! it is shown with three, four, or even five engines, depending on the specific panel.

