List of publishing eras

The establishment of eight publishing eras for Star Wars material within the Star Wars Legends continuity was a joint effort by Lucasfilm Ltd. and Lucas Licensing. These eras, which included the Infinities designation, served to categorize the Star Wars timeline into distinct periods, each identified by a specific name.

From October 26, 2000 until the introduction of the new canon continuity on April 25, 2014, these Era symbols were featured on virtually all published works, encompassing novels, books for young readers, role-playing game materials, guidebooks, comics, and audio books. These symbols provided fans with a quick reference to ascertain the placement of a particular work within the Star Wars historical narrative. Over time, certain eras underwent renaming, while others were introduced to accommodate the expanding storyline. As an illustration, the Sith era was eventually redesignated as the Old Republic era, and the Before the Republic era was created in conjunction with the Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi series.

Galactic History: A Timeline of Eras

Before the Republic (37,000 – 25,000 BBY)

This period delves into the formative years of the Jedi Order, focusing on the exploration of the Force on Tython, situated within the Deep Core. While interstellar travel is limited, the merciless Rakatan Infinite Empire extends its dominion across known worlds, employing Dark Force methodologies to fuel technological advancements that surpass those of their subjugated counterparts.

Although this era encompasses approximately 12,000 years, the sole narrative presently documented within this period unfolds in 25,793 BBY. Earlier accounts were initially intended for inclusion in the Alien Exodus trilogy, but the project's focus shifted away from the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

Old Republic era (25,000 – 1000 BBY)

The early history of the Galactic Republic, its protectors, the Jedi Order, and its adversaries, the Sith, are the focus of this epoch. Beginning with the establishment of the Republic, it traces the ascensions of various Sith Empires and culminates in the defeat of the Brotherhood of Darkness during the Seventh Battle of Ruusan and the Republic's resurgence through the Ruusan Reformation.

Despite spanning twenty-four millennia, the earliest story of this era is set no earlier than 5000 BBY. The Republic's earlier millennia are only recorded in historical accounts and legends.

Rise of the Empire era/Clone Wars era (1000 – 0 BBY)

During this era, the Republic appears to be thriving. However, the Sith, led by Darth Bane, secretly plot against the Republic and the Jedi. After centuries of Sith machinations, Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith, initiates events that trigger the Clone Wars, a devastating conflict that engulfs the Galaxy.

As the Clone Wars draw to a close, Palpatine's scheme results in Anakin Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader, the Great Jedi Purge, and the creation of the Galactic Empire. Nevertheless, hope remains for the Galaxy, as demonstrated by the early exploits of heroes like Han Solo and Lando Calrissian.

The Prequel Trilogy films, as well as The Clone Wars show are set in this era.

Rebellion era (0 – 5 ABY)

As the Alliance to Restore the Republic takes shape, a young man named Luke Skywalker discovers his destiny: to become a Jedi Knight, following in his father's footsteps. Under the tutelage of Obi-Wan Kenobi and later Yoda, the last of the Republic's Jedi Masters, he rescues Princess Leia, joins the Rebel Alliance, and destroys the Empire's formidable Death Star at the Battle of Yavin.

Numerous other heroes join him in the critical battles of the Galactic Civil War, from the Battle of Yavin to the Retreat from Hoth and the decisive Battle of Endor, where the Emperor, though not the entire Empire, is defeated. The Rebellion proclaims a New Republic, overcoming threats such as the Ssi-ruuk, the Nagai, the Tof, and revitalized Imperial warlords.

This era boasts the most extensive collection of works (when considering all unlisted works) due to its longevity.

The first three Star Wars films are set in this era.

New Republic era (5 – 25 ABY)

During this era, the New Republic expands throughout the Galaxy, liberating numerous worlds, including the Galactic capital, Coruscant. However, before the New Republic can declare itself secure, it must confront a series of Imperial leaders, including Ysanne Isard, Warlord Zsinj, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Admiral Daala, and even the resurrected Emperor Palpatine. In addition to the remnants of the Empire, the Republic faces numerous external and internal challenges during this period.

As the Republic endeavors to establish peace in a divided Galaxy, Luke Skywalker attains the rank of Jedi Master and embarks on the establishment of a New Jedi Order. He also encounters the former Imperial assassin, Mara Jade, whom he eventually weds. His friend Han Solo and his sister Princess Leia also marry and have three children: Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin. Following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War in the Bastion Accords, Luke's niece and nephews commence their training as Jedi apprentices.

New Jedi Order era (25 – 36 ABY)

During this era, an extra-galactic species known as the Yuuzhan Vong launches an invasion of the Galaxy. The New Republic, the New Jedi Order, the Imperial Remnant, the Chiss Ascendancy and Empire of the Hand all confront these seemingly unstoppable invaders. Entire planets are devastated, and many heroes perish. Ultimately, a Galactic Federation of Free Alliances is formed, uniting the remnants of the Republic with the Galaxy's other prominent factions. After five years of conflict, the Galactic Alliance finally achieves victory.

However, only a few years later, the Alliance encounters another crisis. The ancient Killik civilization reemerges, influenced by the Dark Nest. These adherents of the Dark side of the Force instigate a crisis within the Alliance, which escalates into a brief but intense war.

Legacy era (37 ABY—)

This era has a defined beginning, but no conclusion. It starts in 40 ABY, with the Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order grappling with the aftermath of years of war and peace. Another crisis threatens to divide the Alliance, as former allies find themselves on opposing sides during the Second Galactic Civil War. Meanwhile, Jacen Solo is drawn to a mysterious figure, potentially the same agent of evil who appears in Luke Skywalker's visions. He becomes the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Caedus, and attempts to establish peace through conquest, uniting everyone against him. Following his death, the Alliance fractures, and the Empire regains control.

Nearly a century later, a new Sith Order and a new Galactic Empire dominate the Galaxy. Cade Skywalker, the last surviving heir to the Skywalker legacy, may be the only one capable of saving the Jedi Order.


This category encompasses stories released under the official Star Wars banner that are not intended to be part of the Star Wars canon. Some of these narratives present alternate versions of stories covered elsewhere in the continuity, featuring events that cannot be reconciled with other accounts. Others are explicitly "alternate universe" stories that diverge from existing storylines when a pivotal event unfolds differently. Some are purely comedic.

  • The World of Endless Possibilities on (content now obsolete; backup link)

  • "Star Wars Eras" — Keeper of the Holocron — Leland Chee's Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)

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  • Publishing eras

  • Publishing eras
