LU-L-N, an 8D smelter droid, functioned as a journalist for the program The Emperor's Court. Following the trial concerning the demise of Greedo, LU-L-N conducted an interview with Han Solo, the individual accused of the crime. Solo was found guilty and received a sentence of being frozen for life in carbonite. Following their brief conversation, LU-L-N guided Solo toward the chamber and Boba Fett. Subsequently, Neela, Greedo's mother and the plaintiff in the case, was interviewed. LU-L-N then wrapped up the segment by hinting at what the following episode would contain. LU-L-N was seen wearing a red suit and a striking head of red hair.
LU-L-N's appearance occurred within "The Emperor's Court," which is the second story featured in Star Wars Tales 14. This issue was made available on December 11, 2002, and was authored by Jason Hall, with illustrations provided by Ramón F. Bachs.
LU-L-N serves as a spoof of Doug Llewelyn, a reporter for the TV show The People's Court.