"The Emperor's Court" represents a tale outside of established continuity, featured in Star Wars Tales 14, and thus is non-canonical.
Han Solo finds himself on trial for the death of Greedo. Neela, Greedo's mother, acts as the accusing party. After several non-alien witnesses give their accounts, Judge Palpatine dismisses their evidence due to their nonhuman status. Solo presents a recording of Greedo initiating the blaster fire, but it's clearly doctored (a nod to the alteration where Greedo shoots first). The verdict is life imprisonment in carbonite, and Han is handed over to Boba Fett.
This segment is a humorous take on The People's Court.
The segment is a comedic imitation that makes light of several alterations introduced in the 1997 Special Edition of A New Hope, mostly concerning the debate of whether Greedo shot first at Han Solo instead of Han being the only one to fire. The Special Edition is also referenced when Han objects to Lak Sivrak's testimony, pointing out Sivrak wasn't even there, having been replaced by Ketwol in the updated version.
The 8D smelter droid named LU-L-N is a parody of Doug Llewelyn, the reporter from the TV show The People's Court.
Han Solo's repeated action of rewinding the hologram showing Greedo shooting at him, coupled with the repeated phrase "back and to the right," alludes to the Oliver Stone movie JFK.
Visible among the jurors are Super Grover of Sesame Street fame, Kermit the Frog of the Muppets, Robby the Robot from the film Forbidden Planet, Stripe from the film Gremlins, Waldo from Where's Waldo?, a Dulok, and Barney Gumble of The Simpsons fame.