
Maashan, identified as a male, was both a Kamarian Badlander and an individual affiliated with the Rebel Alliance.


Born on the world of Kamar, Maashan departed the planet prior to the year 10 BBY. Consequently, he remained untouched by the emergence of the Cult of Varn there.

As a pyrotechnics expert, Maashan enlisted in the Galactic Outdoor Survival School and earned a place in the renowned Twilight Class, completing his studies circa 10 BBY. Subsequently, Maashan, along with the majority of his fellow graduates, became part of the Rebel Alliance.

During an extraterrestrial assault on the Rebel sanctuary world known as Stronghold, Maashan met his death.


  • Alliance Intelligence Reports (First mentioned)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
