Twilight Class

Twilight Class was a specific class at the Galactic Outdoor Survival School.

Known as the most accomplished class in the history of the GOSS, Twilight Class, operating as Team 8, completed their culminating assessment in 103.7 hours. This feat surpassed the previous seven-year record held by Summit Class by over a day. This achievement garnered them the admiration of Barosa Warren, the GOSS dean, who extended a job offer to one of the Twilight Class graduates to become an instructor. It also created an enemy in Lunkar An, a Summit Class alumnus whose pride was wounded.

Subsequent to this, eleven of the twelve Twilight Class members enlisted in the Rebel Alliance. A significant number of these individuals went on to form the notorious SpecForce Eclipse Team, which was relentlessly pursued by various adversaries, including An.

Furthermore, Barosa Warren disavowed them and became a danger to any of his former students who had aligned themselves with the Rebel Alliance. Kiras Torla, a Twilight Class member who chose not to join the Rebel Alliance, was so fearful of Warren that she fled to Wild Space.




  • Alliance Intelligence Reports

Notes and references
