Magwit's Mystifying Hoop

Magwit's Mystifying Hoop was a short-distance matter transmitter in the possession of Wim Magwit, a conjurer and illusionist.


The sophisticated matter transmitter known as Magwit's Mystifying Hoop was composed of several distinct parts. The primary elements consisted of a pair of two-meter wide teleporter frames; one frame was shaped like a circle, while the other had a rectangular form. The system also included a teleportation generator alongside a portable control device. When an object or individual traversed either of the frames, the teleportation generator would instantaneously move them to the opposing frame.

Each teleporter frame was insulated, allowing for easy handling and relocation. The inner circumference of the hoop featured thirty evenly spaced, replaceable matter transmitters, each affixed to a Power Transmitter Receptor. The mechanism by which the teleportation generator transferred matter between the two frames remained a mystery, though theories suggested either the disintegration and retransmission of matter, or the movement of objects through hyperspace. The system's power consumption was substantial, depleting its power cells within a minute. The generator could transport objects passing through the frames up to a maximum distance of fifty meters.


Schematics of Magwit's Mystifying Hoop.

Initially, the hoop belonged to an alien of unknown origin, who became a friend of Wim Magwit. After observing the alien using the device, and learning its operation and maintenance, Magwit purloined the matter transmitter and reinvented himself as a magician, touring with a magic show that featured his wife, Bellina, and their offspring. Although a skilled entertainer and magician, Wim Magwit's performances were always highlighted by the hoop, which remained the most popular act.

Boba Fett, in pursuit of the bounty placed on the pirate Bar-Kooda, sought assistance from Magwit, who had previously been an unwilling member of Bar-Kooda's crew until he escaped. Magwit successfully put on a magic show for Bar-Kooda, during which the pirate was transported through the hoop directly into Fett's grasp. While fleeing Bar-Kooda's vessel, the Bloodstar, Magwit was compelled to abandon the hoop.

