Malvander Bren

Malvander Bren, a male, served as the Imperial Governor overseeing the planet Solem during the tumultuous era of the Galactic Civil War. He and Yolan Bren, his sibling, were raised in unison to jointly govern Solem. However, Yolan came to recognize the wickedness inherent in the Galactic Empire, the oppressive governing authority of the galaxy, and chose to align himself with the local resistance fighters. Shortly after the pivotal Battle of Yavin IV, Malvander, seeking to gain favor with his Imperial overlords, launched a devastating scorched earth campaign across Solem in retaliation against the resistance, which was now under Yolan's leadership. Further, he engaged the services of the notorious Mandalorian bounty hunter, Boba Fett, tasking him with capturing Yolan alive so that Malvander could stage a public execution. Fett successfully apprehended Yolan following a brief confrontation at the resistance's base in G'ai Solem, the capital city, and delivered the Rebel leader back to Malvander. However, the extensive purges against the resistance had drained Malvander's resources, leaving him unable to fully compensate Fett. These purges also weakened Malvander's palace guard, leading to widespread resistance riots erupting throughout G'ai Solem. The rioters overwhelmed the palace guards and managed to scale the walls of Malvander's opulent palace. Amidst this chaos, Fett held Malvander and his aides at blaster point, demanding the remainder of his payment. As Rebel forces breached Malvander's personal chambers, Fett opted to seize the Governor's extraordinarily valuable necklace as compensation for the outstanding balance. Fett then departed the palace, allowing the resistance fighters to capture Malvander and liberate Yolan. Initially, the Rebels intended to execute the Governor, but Yolan intervened, deciding instead to strip Malvander of his power and condemn him to live as a commoner, so he could personally witness the suffering he had inflicted upon Solem.


Malvander formerly shared the rule of Solem with his brother Yolan Bren, until Yolan became aware of the Galactic Empire's inherent evil and joined the planet's resistance movement. Malvander responded by offering a bounty for his brother's capture, hiring Boba Fett for the task. While Fett did succeed, the resistance rallied to protest Yolan's capture, igniting riots in G'ai Solem. Malvander attempted to avoid paying Fett the full agreed upon sum, but Fett instead chose to take the Governor's expensive necklace as compensation, leaving him to be captured by the rebels.

Instead of having his brother put to death, Yolan showed mercy, desiring that Malvander be forced to witness the suffering he had caused on their shared homeworld. Yolan stated that if it did not improve his brother's character, then he would be killed.

