Mantellian flutterplume

Hailing from the Mid Rim planet of Ord Mantell, Mantellian flutterplumes were a species of carnivorous bird. These creatures possessed four legs, each terminating in sharp, curved talons. Their bodies were largely adorned with a vibrant array of multi-colored feathers. Renowned for their scavenging habits within the wastelands and Scraplands of their native world, they were a constant problem, notorious for preying on wounded soldiers awaiting medical assistance. Before its destruction, a significant population also thrived on the planet Alderaan.

Biological Attributes and Physical Appearance

Mantellian flutterplumes possessed exceptional eyesight and four legs, each equipped with a pair of razor-sharp, curved talons. Their skin exhibited a pale color, and their bodies, excluding the legs, neck, and face, were covered in a diverse spectrum of multi-colored feathers. These creatures were equipped with two wings, a lengthy tail, a distinct beak, and a tongue. They had two eyes, and a prominent plume extended upwards from the crown of their head.

Behavioral Characteristics

Flutterplumes exhibited an insatiable carnivorous drive, relentlessly scouring the wastelands and Scraplands of their home Ord Mantell in search of food. Frequently observed in small groups of three or four, they could be seen gracefully soaring on thermal updrafts.

Historical Significance

Throughout the turbulent history of Ord Mantell, the brightly colored flutterplumes were inevitably drawn to the carnage and bloodshed left in the wake of battles. Those arriving at the battle sites, whether for scavenging or to aid the injured, often found themselves in conflict with flocks of these birds. Wounded soldiers frequently had to defend themselves against attacks from these birds while awaiting the arrival of medics.

Galactic Presence of Flutterplumes

Ord Mantell, homeworld of the Mantellian flutterplume

Although native to the Mid Rim planet Ord Mantell, a considerable number of flutterplumes inhabited Alderaan before its destruction in 0 BBY. It is probable that they had also been introduced to other worlds with similar climates. Their vibrant feathers were prized as symbols of good fortune, with the discovery of an undamaged feather, or the successful retrieval of one after an attack, being considered particularly auspicious.

Behind the Scenes Information

The introduction of Mantellian flutterplumes into Star Wars canon occurred in Savage Spirits, a supplementary resource for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars roleplaying game, which was made available on June 2, 2016. Their initial appearance was in the Star Wars Legends young adult novel Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell, published on May 1, 1998.

Reference Material

  • Savage Spirits (Initial Mention)
  • Allies and Adversaries
  • Gadgets and Gear (Indirect reference only) (as flutterplume)

Additional Information and Citations
