Talon could be referencing the following:
- A moon orbiting Corellia, named Gus Talon
- An adornment of the Kalidor Crescent, known as the Silver Talons
- A Star Destroyer belonging to the Imperial Navy, called the Steel Talon
- A type of starship known as the Iron Talon
- A smuggler and information broker named Talon Karrde
- Darth Talon, a female Sith Lord belonging to the One Sith order
- A light scout trooper within the First Sun Mobile Regiment, named Matt Talon
- Pel Talon, a senator who is Force-sensitive (status as canon is unclear)
- A High Lord of the Lost Tribe of Sith, named Sarasu Taalon
- A smuggler organization known as Gray Talon
- A swoop gang operating from the Seswenna sector, called the Talons
- A clone trooper squad consisting of 9 members, known as Talon Squad
- A New Republic starfighter squadron identified as Talon Squadron
- An Imperial squadron specializing in heavy strike/starfighter support, also named Talon Squadron
- Admiral Motti's personal Star Destroyer, named Steel Talon
- An Imperial Immobilizer 418 cruiser known as Talon
- An Imperial CR90 corvette referred to as Talon
- A Rebel CR90 corvette named Talon
- A Strike-class medium cruiser called Talon
- An Imperial warship that was active during the final period of the Thrawn campaign, named Talon
- An armed airspeeder known as the Talon I combat cloud car
- A moon orbiting Corellia named Gus Talon
- An embellishment of the Kalidor Crescent, referred to as the Silver Talons
This page serves as a disambiguation tool, aiding navigation by listing various pages sharing the same title. If you were directed here via a link, consider correcting it to point directly to the intended article.