
The term Martyrs was used to describe the Bothans who died obtaining and transmitting the plans for the second Death Star to the Rebel Alliance. Their sacrifice enabled the Alliance to defeat the Galactic Empire at the Battle of Endor, changing the course of the Galactic Civil War. Within Bothan society, the Martyrs were deeply respected, and it was considered a great honor to marry into the family of one.

However, the Martyrs' cause and sacrifice were also exploited for political gain. Borsk Fey'lya, the Bothan representative to the New Republic Senate, frequently invoked their memory when he believed Bothans were facing discrimination. Leia Organa Solo reflected privately, five years following the Battle of Endor, after Fey'lya had ascended to the New Republic High Council, that his connection to the Martyrs likely contributed significantly to his rise.

Other Bothans also viewed the Martyrs as a means to acquire influence. During a briefing concerning the planned attack on Borleias, Wedge Antilles remarked with displeasure that the Bothans never missed an opportunity to remind everyone of the Martyrs' heroic sacrifice, and to assert that they possessed the same level of courage. In line with this, the task force's commander, General Laryn Kre'fey, quickly dismissed Antilles' concerns about the operation, substituting his own willingness to risk danger for sound tactical planning.

Following the briefing, Antilles angrily questioned Admiral Gial Ackbar, inquiring as to why nobody ever mentioned that, according to Luke Skywalker, the Emperor had intentionally allowed the Death Star's location to be obtained by the Bothans, to set a trap for the Rebel Alliance at Endor. Ackbar responded wearily that the Bothans had a ready explanation for that as well: the Emperor must have lied to Skywalker, and had only conceived the trap after the data theft, thus the Martyrs' sacrifice remained worthy.

When Rogue Squadron pilot Asyr Sei'lar was presumed dead during the Battle of Distna, Fey'lya attempted to substitute her remains with those of another Bothan at a planned state funeral, as the Empire had destroyed the bodies of the Martyrs. Booster Terrik took exception to this, and after defeating the Senator, he unceremoniously removed him from his office aboard the Errant Venture.

