Mawat was a Human male belonging to the Young on the world of Melida/Daan. At first, he was a follower of the leaders Nield and Cerasi, but after peace was announced, he developed a hunger for authority. Mawat started providing weapons to both the Young and the Elders, aiming to intensify the dispute on the world. This effort to spark renewed fighting had mixed results; one of the snipers that Mawat armed and positioned fatally shot Cerasi, causing sorrow for the leaders of both groups.
Despite this setback, Mawat continued pursuing his goals. A clash was unavoidable, but former Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with Nield and Cerasi's father, intervened. Mawat and those who followed him surrendered their arms, bringing an end to the Last Battle of Zehava.