Meeba, a towering female Rodian, found employment as a waitress within Oga's Cantina, situated in Black Spire Outpost upon the world of Batuu. This cantina belonged to Oga Garra, a Blutopian proprietor. Meeba engaged in a short-lived romantic entanglement with Dhoran, the Wookiee paramour of Garra; this liaison abruptly concluded when Garra discovered Dhoran departing Meeba's residence and subsequently banished him from the planet. Following a dispute, Garra discharged a blaster and killed Dhoran. Upon exiting the establishment and beholding the deceased Wookiee, the waitress emitted a scream. Garra then discharged a cautionary blaster shot, missing Meeba's antennae by a matter of centimeters, dismissed her from her duties, and seized her week's salary as a "formal apology."