Melchi, hailing from the Tapani sector, was a Herglic spacer who served as the captain of the medical frigate Benevolence. He also operated as an agent for House Pelagia.
For several decades, Melchi operated a modest transport business located on Pelagon within the Pelagia Province. His work involved traversing the entire sector, transporting goods or functioning as a courier. While the work was honest, it didn't provide him with financial security. He enjoyed popularity among the noble houses and maintained numerous friendships throughout the sector.
When the combined forces of the Empire and House Mecetti launched an offensive against House Pelagia, devastating Pelagon, the capital world, Melchi returned to discover the remnants of Pelagia's once-powerful fleet adrift in orbit. Assuming command of the damaged Nebulon-B medical frigate Benevolence, he spearheaded a relief initiative. House Pelagia officially appointed Melchi as commander of the frigate, transforming it into a mobile relief unit that provided medical aid to disaster-stricken areas within the sector. Subsequently, the Great Council on Procopia voted to provide funding for his operations, given that Melchi offered his services free of charge. Melchi gesticulates to a Mon Calamari
Unknown to most individuals outside of the Pelagia government, and only known to a select few members of his high-ranking crew, Melchi's relief endeavors served as a front for smuggling cargo and intelligence for House Pelagia. Having been granted the freedom to travel throughout the sector with the blessing of Procopia, Melchi was able to supply Pelagia with weaponry and military supplies, aiding their rearmament program. Due to the widespread respect he commanded throughout the region, sector authorities never subjected him to searches.
Melchi possessed wrinkled gray skin and communicated with a loud, resonant voice, frequently punctuated by snorts emanating from his blowhole. He consistently donned his captain's uniform and carried a decorative walking stick, which he employed to emphasize his points during conversations. He also carried an ornate heavy blaster.
He was a compassionate individual who willingly dedicated his time to alleviate the suffering of others. He held steadfastly to his beliefs and readily shared his perspectives with others, sometimes aggressively. Melchi demonstrated unwavering loyalty to House Pelagia and enthusiastically carried out his assignment to smuggle cargo for the house.