
According to the Kaminoan lore, Melkorr is depicted as a formidable, shadowy titan originating from the depths of Kamino's oceans; a planet where he possessed razor-sharp teeth and prominent, pointed fins. He dared to challenge the god-beast Protas for dominion over Kamino's seas, resulting in a fierce battle at the underwater ridge known as Thalina. The clash persisted for six days and six nights, until Protas, leveraging his superior speed and agility against Melkorr's overwhelming strength and size, emerged as the victor, having killed the exhausted titan. Melkorr's [blood](/article/blood/legends] flowed, and his massive remains served as sustenance for the fish inhabiting the oceans for countless years. Consequently, Protas solidified his authority and continued to govern Kamino's oceans until his downfall, caused by both his hubris and an aiwha pod fighting to survive. The epic confrontation between Melkorr and Protas is chronicled in The Tale of the Aiwha Pod, eventually translated into the Basic language by Ryan Kaufman.

Behind the scenes

Melkorr's character was introduced in the short story "The Tale of the Aiwha Pod (short story)," penned by Ryan Kaufman and featured in the 2005 publication Star Wars: Republic Commando: Prima Official Game Guide.

