
Protas, a deity of the Kaminoan seas, was considered a monster-god. He resided deep within the oceans and had dominion over every animal on the planet. His strength and power dwarfed all other creatures. Beings of lesser stature could not even begin to grasp the magnitude of his mystical abilities. However, numerous individuals attempted to seize his control over the seas. Melkorr, a massive titan who came from the deepest parts of the Kaminoan waters, was the first. He openly defied Protas, resulting in a seven-day conflict. Ultimately, Protas triumphed over Melkorr, securing his position as the dominant force in the seas.

A group of sentient kikla also dared to challenge Protas, engaging him in open conflict. He battled them in the Ancient Trench, devouring countless opponents to replenish his energy. After defeating the kikla, Protas became self-satisfied and arrogant, denying an aiwha pod passage to the southern seas, their destination for the winter. Recognizing that staying in the north would lead to their freezing to death, the aiwha launched a direct assault on Protas, ultimately leading to the monster-god's demise.


The Titan's Conflict

Kamino, dominion of the monster-god

Before the "dawning of the second sun," Protas, a magical monster-god, made his home in the oceans of Kamino. His unique status as the first and only creature of his kind gave rise to his name. As both a god and a "beast," Protas wielded such immense power that he ruled over all the creatures dwelling underwater on Kamino. However, his dominance and great strength attracted the attention of newcomers and ambitious individuals seeking to usurp his position as the ruler of the Kaminoan seas.

Melkorr, a formidable titan from Kamino's deepest waters, was the initial challenger. He directly confronted Protas, proposing a battle to determine who would govern the seas. Protas accepted, meeting Melkorr at the ridge of Thalina. The [battle](/article/battle_of_thalina] began, lasting for seven days. The combatants engaged in fierce combat, grappling and wrestling in an attempt to gain an advantage. Melkorr aimed to use his power and size to overwhelm Protas, but the monster-god proved to be too swift and nimble. Protas skillfully turned Melkorr's own strength against him, and by the seventh day, the challenger began to weaken. As Melkorr's exhaustion caused his defenses to falter, Protas seized the opportunity to strike, ultimately destroying him. Melkorr's blood stained the Kaminoan seas, and his massive corpse provided sustenance for fish for an entire eon.

Protas continued his reign until a new challenger emerged. A group of sentient kikla swimmers rose to challenge him, their large numbers compensating for their small size. They collectively defied Protas, confident that their sheer numbers would overwhelm the monster-god. Protas faced the kikla in the deepest parts of the [Ancient Trench](/article/ancient_trench]. For a month, they clashed, with the kikla swarming Protas, hoping that their numbers would ensure their survival and dominance. However, Protas displayed greater focus than the kikla, who were argumentative and unable to coordinate a focused attack. Their bites barely wounded Protas, who successfully divided his opponents before devouring them. The nutrients from the consumed kikla sustained Protas throughout the battle, and by the time the new moon appeared, he had consumed the last of them.

Defiance Against the Monster-God

Having eliminated all challengers, Protas aged and became increasingly arrogant, his power firmly established. Confident that no one would ever oppose him again, he began to wield his considerable power capriciously, without considering the consequences. He encountered an aiwha pod heading south for the winter and blocked their path. Protas decreed that they should return to the northern waters, where they would freeze and die. The aiwha questioned his motives, and the amused monster-god simply stated that it would please him. After deliberating among themselves, the aiwha unexpectedly attacked Protas, without the customary declaration of intent.

A pod of aiwha would prove to be the downfall of Protas.

Initially, the aiwha swarmed Protas, similar to the kikla. In response, Protas scattered them, forcing the aiwha to change their strategy. Echoing Melkorr, they attempted to tear at Protas's flesh with their jaws, compensating for their lack of size with their ferocity. Furthermore, they possessed a determination and unity that the kikla lacked, and Protas eventually began to bleed. However, the monster-god persevered, and the aiwha were unable to defeat him. When Protas exposed his vulnerable neck, one of the aiwha noticed and lunged forward, clamping down hard. The monster-god, roaring in agony, felt his life force draining away and realized that he would surely die. In a final act of retaliation, he thrashed at the lone aiwha with his fins, but it was too late. Although the lone aiwha perished, it had enabled its companions to rally for a decisive attack, resulting in Protas's destruction. Following the monster-god's death, the aiwha ruled the Kaminoan oceans, respected by all for their victory over Protas, despite their lack of desire for glory and their sole focus on self-preservation.

Personality and Characteristics

Protas was a massive marine creature distinguished by a series of fins. His singular focus proved advantageous during his conflict with the kikla. Following his triumph over those who challenged him, Protas became excessively arrogant in his later years, believing that his power allowed him to rule without restraint, leading him to arbitrarily condemn the aiwha to death. As he faced his demise, he sought to take the aiwha responsible for his death with him, retaliating in anger.

Powers and Capabilities

Protas possessed immense strength, surpassing that of any other living creature on Kamino, and wielded magical abilities that were beyond comprehension. He was a skilled fighter, utilizing his agility to his advantage in his battle against Melkorr. He could turn Melkorr's strength against him and harness the nutrients from consumed kikla to endure a month-long conflict with them. While he successfully defended against a mass attack from the aiwha, his throat was particularly vulnerable, a weakness that was exploited by one aiwha.

Behind the Scenes

Protas made his debut in the short story "The Tale of the Aiwha Pod," penned by Ryan Kaufman. The story was featured in the 2005 Star Wars: Republic Commando: Prima Official Game Guide.

