A musical theme, crafted by Michael Giacchino, appears in the 2016 anthology movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Flutes perform it during scenes that involve Bodhi Rook in his role as a messenger for the rebellion. Although Giacchino utilized this musical figure as a recurring leitmotif in the Rogue One score, the original composition of this musical movement is credited to John Williams, with its performance executed by the London Symphony Orchestra for the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.
In A New Hope, the musical motif is heard when Luke Skywalker initially discovers the holographic message that was recorded by Leia Organa, the rebel princess. Within the Rogue One score, the messenger motif is initially presented when Saw Gerrera's Partisans bring Bodhi Rook, a defected Imperial pilot and the messenger for the rebel Galen Walton Erso, to their base on Jedha at the Catacombs of Cadera. Additionally, the motif is also featured when Cassian Jeron Andor, who is a rebel agent, discovers Rook being imprisoned at the Partisans' base, and it is again played when Rook sends codes to the Imperial Shield Gate over Scarif. Brief sections of the motif are played when Cassian Jeron Andor and Jyn Erso communicate with Bodhi Rook just before they separate from K-2SO at the Scarif vault.