

  • ship
  • legends

During the era of the Cold War, the Whiphid bounty hunter Tulkh piloted a tough starship known as the Mirocaw. This ship showcased a collection of trophies that Tulkh had gathered throughout his career, notably including remains of the various creatures he had killed. In 3645 BBY, Tulkh accepted a job to acquire a rare Murakami orchid for the Sith Lord Darth Scabrous, leading him to navigate the Mirocaw to the planet Marfa. There, he successfully captured the last living orchid of its kind in the galaxy along with its Jedi caretaker, Hestizo Trace, from a Jedi Agricultural Corps facility. Subsequently, Tulkh piloted his ship to Odacer-Faustin, specifically Scabrous' Sith academy, where he delivered both the Jedi and the orchid to the Sith Lord. However, Scabrous utilized the orchid to engineer a deadly disease, prompting Tulkh, Trace, and the mechanic Pergus Frode to escape the planet aboard the Mirocaw. Unbeknownst to them, the Sith zombie Rance Lussk had secretly boarded the vessel. As Tulkh also began to suffer from the disease's effects, Trace made the decision to vent the ship's hold into space in an attempt to eliminate the threats.

