Mission to Commenor (0 BBY)

A venture to the planet of Commenor was executed by Red Squadron with the intention of acquiring a shipment of astromech droids for the Alliance to Restore the Republic, located on Commenor.


Porkins takes exception to a remark about his size.

In the time leading up to the Battle of Yavin, the pilots of Red Squadron traveled to the planet Commenor to obtain a dozen astromech droids for the T-65 X-wing starfighter which were collected previously. Their contact was the smuggler Captain Nera Dantels. Prior to their arranged meeting, the Rebel pilots were relaxing inside a cantina when they were ambushed by a group of ruffians. Following a brief skirmish in the streets, the wrongdoers escaped and proceeded to report the Rebels to stormtroopers.

The mission

The Rebels eventually convened with Captain Dantels at Hangar Bay 31 and inspected the shipment of astromechs. After verifying the cargo, arrangements were made to rendezvous with her in orbit and escort the Starduster back to Yavin 4.

The Rebels and Starduster intercepted trying to depart Commenor.

Regardless, Imperial TIE fighters intercepted them, arriving from the Imperial base situated on the neighboring moon of Folor. Antilles and Darklighter deviated from formation to engage, leaving Porkins and Eirriss to offer protection for the Starduster. Even so, a number of TIEs managed to break through and locked onto Porkins's tail. Eirriss took out his pursuers, and Porkins soon returned the favor, but additional TIEs appeared and targeted the Starduster. Despite Dantels successfully shooting them down, some of the resulting wreckage struck Eirriss's X-wing, causing damage to her shield generator and hyperdrive. With no opportunity to eject before the arrival of the subsequent wave of TIEs, and no means of exiting the system, Eirriss steered a collision course toward the approaching fighters, instructing her comrades to depart without her. Her X-wing was obliterated in a direct impact with the Imperial fighters. Eventually, Porkins, Antilles, and Darklighter initiated a jump to hyperspace.


Upon arriving at the Great Temple, they discovered that the Death Star was already headed towards Yavin with the intention of destroying the Rebel base. They were also introduced to Luke Skywalker, an old acquaintance of Darklighter, who had recently arrived on Yavin 4 and was scheduled to join Red Squadron for the impending Battle of Yavin.

