During the Galactic Civil War, Kyle Katarn engaged in a mission that took him to Gromas.
As Katarn approached the moon's surface, the base's stormtrooper garrison immediately detected his presence. Engaging in combat amidst the barrage of laser fire, he navigated through the tunnels of the mine.

His journey culminated in the reactor room, where he planted a sequencer charge within the Thermal exhaust port. This action activated a security protocol, unleashing a Phase I dark trooper. This was the first time Katarn encountered the droid he had heard about, but it would not be the last.
Katarn managed to defeat this initial version of the droid and quickly made his way to the designated extraction point, where he was scheduled to rendezvous with Ors and the Moldy Crow. As the Crow ascended away from the planet, the Gromas Mines were destroyed in an explosion, which, as Ors had anticipated, would hinder Rom Mohc's plans.

Following Katarn's successful raid, the Galactic Empire abandoned Gromas, leaving behind the remnants of their former base. Around this same time, suspicions surrounding Crix Madine's loyalty began to surface, ultimately leading to his capture by Rom Mohc. Mohc subsequently imprisoned Madine at the Imperial Detention Center located on Orinackra, where he awaited his execution.
Lord Vader voiced his concerns to Mohc, emphasizing the threat that Kyle Katarn posed to the General and pointing out how he was proving to be more capable than his Dark Troopers. However, Mohc disregarded Vader's implied warning and enlisted the services of the bounty hunter Boba Fett to prevent Katarn from reaching the Arc Hammer.