Mission to Hoth (Jaden Korr)

The Hoth assignment was undertaken by Jaden Korr during the Disciples of Ragnos crisis in the year 14 ABY.


Information was pilfered from Luke Skywalker's records by the Disciples of Ragnos, a Sith cult. This information pertained to locations where Skywalker sensed a powerful connection to the Force. To investigate the cult's activities at these locations, Skywalker dispatched members of the New Jedi Order.

The Assignment

Hoth became the destination for Jaden Korr, who was, at that time, a Jedi Initiate at the Jedi Academy. Korr's objective was to examine the area where Skywalker had previously encountered the ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi, searching for Force nexus energy.

Upon arrival at the designated location aboard his Far Wanderer, Korr was unable to detect any Force energy. He began to question the accuracy of Skywalker's intuitions. Suddenly, he noticed a flashing beacon and decided to investigate its source. These beacons formed a trail through the icy canyons. Along this path, Korr encountered numerous snowtroopers, probe droids, and even an All Terrain Scout Transport. This confirmed that the Imperial Remnant and the Disciples of Ragnos were indeed interested in the area. He also encountered a few wampas.

Jaden Korr in Echo Base.

Eventually, Korr arrived at the ruins of Echo Base. Finding the main entrance inaccessible due to being locked, Korr was forced to seek an alternative entry point. He gained access to Echo Base via an underground tunnel that connected the base to a destroyed AT-AT, which was heavily guarded by Imperial forces.

Jaden Korr confronts Alora in Echo Base

While inside the base, Korr overheard a cultist communicating with Alora about Dagobah. Continuing through the corridors, Korr entered a spacious chamber where he confronted Alora, a Dark Jedi and apprentice of Tavion. She challenged Korr to a duel. Korr was victorious, and Alora escaped through a hole in the ceiling.


Upon successful completion of the mission, Korr returned to the Jedi Academy. He was deemed to have successfully completed the Jedi Initiate Trials and was subsequently promoted to the rank of Apprentice. The details of the mission were recorded in the datacard known as Tauntaun Feathers A1.

Production Notes

The mission is portrayed in Hoth: Under the Ice as a joint operation involving both Jaden Korr and Kyle Katarn. However, in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, it is depicted as a solo mission undertaken by Korr.

This particular level is unique in that the player character does not wear the clothing selected at the beginning of the game, due to the impracticality of those outfits in the extreme cold conditions.

Although locked, the main entrance to Echo Base can be found. Additionally, the remains of what appears to be Echo Base's shield generator are present, though they appear smaller compared to their depiction in other games.

It is possible, through skillful use of Force speed, to rescue a Tauntaun from a Wampa near the level's conclusion and utilize it during the duel with Alora. However, due to the difficulty involved, this is likely non-canon.

