In the year 14 BBY, amidst the Galactic Empire's widespread Great Jedi Purge, Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis embarked on a quest to the world Ilum. This journey was undertaken so that he could construct a replacement lightsaber after the destruction of his previous lightsaber.
The Stinger Mantis touched down in close proximity to the Jedi Temple, which enabled both Kestis and BD-1 to move forward into the structure. Following a difficult and challenging trek, the Padawan nearly gave in to hopelessness; however, with the assistance of BD-1, he successfully obtained a fresh Kyber crystal and fashioned a new lightsaber. During his departure, he engaged in combat with Imperial forces stationed at the mining facility to make his way back to the Mantis.
The Ilum assignment is featured in the 2019 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order interactive game.