Mission to Kamino (Clone Wars)

The "Mission to Kamino" was an unsanctioned undertaking. Kal Skirata gave the order, and Null ARC lieutenant Mereel executed it. The goal was to discover the location of Ko Sai, the missing Kaminoan Chief Scientist.


Ko Sai had been responsible for managing the accelerated aging process of Clone troopers. During the First Battle of Kamino, she defected to the Separatists, taking all her research data with her. Kal Skirata desired this data to provide the clones with a natural lifespan. He thought that the computer mainframe located in Tipoca City on Kamino might hold some relevant information.

The Operation

Skirata and Mereel arrived in Tipoca City, using a fabricated transponder code to conceal their identities. Mereel, disguised as a standard clone trooper, entered the city and proceeded to the administrative core at its center.

There, he used a computer terminal. He submitted a legitimate data request, but simultaneously sent a hidden command to gain undetected root access to the entire system. He accomplished this by utilizing Republic Treasury Audit Division encryption and de-erasure keys. He had acquired these keys, the most advanced available, from Besany Wennen during the Mission to Coruscant. He searched for encrypted files exchanged between Coruscant and Kamino, as well as any data stolen or deleted by Ko Sai. He aimed to download as much data as possible, anticipating that he might not have another opportunity to return to Kamino. However, the mainframe held 10 petabytes of data. This would require minutes to download, in contrast to the 30 seconds a regular trooper would take to maintain their armor systems.

A male Kaminoan approached Mereel, questioning the length of his activity. Mereel explained that his HUD was experiencing slow data response times. The Kaminoan instructed him to visit Procurement for diagnostics. Mereel headed in the general direction of Procurement, but once the Kaminoan was out of sight, he proceeded to the extraction point for Skirata.


Kal Skirata, Ordo and Mereel, watching the recording.

The mission was partially unsuccessful because Mereel could not find Ko Sai, but he was able to find out information about where she was. However, he successfully downloaded secret communications between Prime Minister Lama Su and Chancellor Palpatine. These communications revealed the clandestine establishment of cloning facilities on Coruscant and the Republic's intention to cease ordering clones from Kamino in the future.

