The assignment on Zonju V was undertaken during 14 ABY by Jaden Korr, acting on behalf of the New Jedi Order.
Korr's purpose in traveling to Zonju V was to rendezvous with a spaceport worker. This individual possessed critical intelligence concerning the Disciples of Ragnos, a troublesome Sith cult operating across the galaxy. Korr's designated meeting place with the worker was a deserted station located three kilometers from Zoronhed.

To reach the designated outpost, Korr acquired a Flare-S swoop. En route, he faced an ambush by members of a swoop gang affiliated with the Disciples of Ragnos. Employing mounted lightsaber combat techniques, he either eliminated or evaded a portion of his attackers. Upon his arrival at the outpost, a sniper assassinated the worker before any information could be conveyed to Korr.
Deciding to depart immediately, Korr commandeered one of the gang's swoops. Pursued relentlessly, Korr employed both mounted lightsaber combat and daring swoop maneuvers to evade his chasers, including a daring swoop jump across a wide canyon. Ultimately, he successfully shook off his pursuers, reached the spaceport, and departed the planet.