Zonju V, a planet situated in the Wild Space region, specifically rimward of Rutan, presented a landscape characterized by its shallow, dusty, and sparsely vegetated canyons and gorges. Scattered throughout this terrain were abandoned ruins, hewn from the local sandstone. Zoronhed served as the capital city of this world.

Way back in 3640 BBY, a chieftain with significant power sought his family's missing crown to solidify his claim to the planet's throne.
Around 14 ABY, the canyons of Zonju V had become a haven for lawlessness, plagued by gangs of mercenaries riding swoop bikes. The Jedi, Jaden Korr, was dispatched on a mission to this planet. His objective was to establish contact with a spaceport worker residing outside the city within the ancient ruins. This worker was to provide him with intelligence regarding the Disciples of Ragnos. However, before the worker could impart any information to Korr, he met his death at the hands of a mercenary's blaster. Subsequently, Korr found himself compelled to undertake a journey through the canyons on his own swoop back to Zoronhed, pursued by the swoop gangs, potentially under the employ of the Disciples. Following this ordeal, he departed the planet aboard his personal starfighter, known as the Far Wanderer.