- Legends
The Z-95 Headhunter known as Far Wanderer served as the personal vessel of the Jedi Knight Jaden Korr as he trained and fought against the Disciples of Ragnos. To facilitate independent travel throughout the galaxy, it was upgraded with a hyperdrive. Whenever he wasn't accompanying his Master, Kyle Katarn, on the Raven's Claw or using a shuttle, Korr would pilot this starfighter to travel between planets. His initial use of the ship involved a journey to Bakura alongside Katarn, where they aimed to uncover the truth behind the mysterious takeover of the Bakura Power Station. Impatient while waiting near the Far Wanderer, Korr chose to proceed with his own investigation. Following his success in preventing the power station's destruction, Korr went back to his ship to relay information back to the Jedi Academy.
Even by 41.5 ABY, Jaden Korr continued to make use of the Headhunter, despite its venerable age and obsolescence, even within the Outer Rim Territories. It had, however, been refitted to accommodate an R6 Unit, enabling autonomous piloting. After experiencing a Force vision, Jaden utilized it to journey to Fhost. From that point, he traveled aboard the salvage vessel Junker, instructing his R6 unit to maintain the Headhunter in orbit and alert the Jedi Order if he failed to return within a fortnight.