Unidentified spaceport worker

A light-skinned employee at the spaceport, who was a Human with brown hair, was employed at a spaceport located on the planet Zonju V. He obtained crucial intelligence regarding the Disciples of Ragnos, a cult whose goal was to resurrect the deceased Sith Lord, Marka Ragnos, in the year 14 ABY. Jaden Korr, a Padawan from the New Jedi Order, was dispatched to encounter him at a deserted station situated three kilometers from the Zonju V town of Zoronhed. During their discussion, before he had the chance to share any information with Korr, the spaceport worker was murdered by a Ragnos Disciple. To avoid being killed himself, Korr promptly returned to his starship.

Behind the scenes

This spaceport worker was featured in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, a video game created by Raven Software and launched in 2003.

