The Mistryl Safehouse was a structure situated outside the settlement of Theed on the Mid Rim planet of Naboo. This building served as a secure base of operations for the Mistryl Shadow Guard, a group of hired soldiers. Within this location, the mercenaries originating from Emberlene had constructed a memorial shrine as a place to remember their lost home and leave offerings. As was common for Emberlene memorial shrines, it contained Emberlene Essence, a substance intended to bring back memories of the Mistryl's homeworld's dense forests.
Several slicers were employed by the Mistryl at this location. The safehouse was defended by heavily armed Mistryl Skirmishers and Mistryl Assault Troopers.
In the year 1 ABY, a mercenary working for the Azure Cabal gained entry to the safehouse and absconded with a vial of Emberlene Essence from the memorial. This essence was subsequently used during an assault on the Cult of M'dweshuu in an attempt to frame the Mistryl for the act.
The Mistryl Safehouse was a location featured in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. The Mistryl Safehouse was integrated into the game as part of the Azure Cabal questline, which was released with the "Chapter 6" update on May 22, 2007.
This particular building could be found located near the town of Theed, specifically near the border of the no-build zone surrounding the city, which prevented players from constructing their own houses. The building utilized was a standard Naboo structure referred to as the "Medium Naboo House," which could also be crafted and owned by players.