
The Mooloolians were an indigenous tribe originating from Janguine, a planet situated within the Halthor sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Their domain was the mountainous areas of the world, while a barbarian species dwelled in the planet's jungles. These jungle barbarians ultimately disappeared, their language being adopted by the Mooloolian tribe around 275 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). Later, in 25 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin), the protocol droid C-3PO hypothesized a connection between the Janguine language and the tongue of the newly discovered species, the Yuuzhan Vong; this connection, however, was subsequently disproven.

Behind the scenes

The Mooloolians were conceived by R. A. Salvatore for his book The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime, released by Del Rey in 1999. Furthermore, they received a mention within The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which was published in 2008.

