Morgan Q. Raventhorn

Morgan Q. Raventhorn was a Human female who held the rank of major within the Rebel SpecForces during the Galactic Civil War. This tall woman, characterized by her dark hair and blue eyes, met her end during the Battle of Endor where she was killed.

Morgan was the younger sibling of Jai Raventhorn, who served as a Rebel commando.


Raventhorn's upbringing was within a family of scouts. From an early age, she gained knowledge of surveying planets and mastering wilderness survival techniques. Her aptitude for technology was apparent; by the age of ten, she demonstrated the ability to disassemble and reassemble hyperdrive components from her father's ship in a mere ninety minutes. After her time in the scout service concluded, she found herself working as a miner on Rodaj, where she encountered T'Charek Haathi and Ivhin Jayme. These two individuals convinced her to enlist in the Rebel Alliance. She found it challenging to adapt to the structured environment of military life, often choosing to rely on her instincts rather than adhering strictly to orders.

Mission to Zelos II

While on Zelos II with her team, Raventhorn played a role in the operation to seize a light freighter known as The Maker. She ascended a lighting tower and skillfully integrated her datapad into the security camera system. This allowed her to replace the live camera feed with a computer-generated image of the docking bay and the freighter. Haathi commended her on the realism of the forgery, but Raventhorn continued to elaborate on the intricate details she had incorporated into the video. Haathi instructed her to proceed with the mission, so the tech connected a Scomp-Spiker to the security system and waited for the signal to activate it. Jayme contacted her, confirming his readiness and inquiring about her proximity to the power box. He reminded her of a past incident where she blew the thumb off her hand and had to have medical personnel re-attach it. Once Jayme was in position, she triggered the device, causing a surge of power through the main computer system. This resulted in the deactivation of the force field and power fence, enabling Jayme to safely pole-vault into the docking bay.

She rejoined her team in the docking bay and received instructions from Haathi to disable the freighter's defenses, facilitating their boarding and subsequent theft. Raventhorn successfully deactivated all defenses except for the stun steps, resulting in Haathi receiving an electric shock upon attempting to enter the freighter. The tech pulled her commander under the freighter and checked on her condition while the starport security opened fire on the team. While Haathi recovered from the shock, Raventhorn returned to the task of disabling the stun steps. During this process, she was confronted by a security guard. Reacting swiftly, she hurled the power cables at him, delivering an electric shock. She then connected the cables to the ladder leading into the docking back, incapacitating the remaining guards. The team boarded the freighter and discovered that the owner, Sythluss Leethe, had installed a bulkhead door, preventing access to the cockpit. As she contemplated a method to open the door, Jayme used explosives to breach it. She entered the cockpit and waved at the security guards as Haathi piloted the ship away.

Personality and traits

Raventhorn possessed exceptional intelligence, but she often struggled with concepts outside the realms of technology and wilderness survival. She was the originator of several improvised inventions that later became standard equipment for Special Ops personnel.

