Zelos II

Zelos II was the second planet in the Zelos system, a celestial body cataloged within the planet registry. The Galactic Empire held sway over this world, leveraging it as a crucial provider of ores to sustain their wartime endeavors. Furthermore, it served as the original homeworld for the Zelosians. Deep within the mountains situated at the northernmost reaches of the northern continent lay the Bare Forest, also recognized as the Forest of the Walking Dead. Four moons traced paths orbited around the planet.


Zelos II's geography was characterized by undulating hills, towering mountains, and generally uneven terrain. Galleros represented the planet's principal landmass and the only one inhabited. The oceans encompassed Bryndas, a smaller continent, along with a smattering of individual islands.

The planetary government operated from Kryndyn, the capital city, which also housed the majority of the population. A network of roads and railways connected Kryndyn to five secondary cities. These smaller urban centers were strategically positioned near mining operations. The extracted ore was transported from these locations to Kryndyn, where it was then loaded onto freighters for off-world shipment.

Every 120 days, all four of the planet's satellites became visible in the night sky.


Okeefe and Cholakk encounter a walking corpse on Zelos II.

Following the demise of the planet's leadership in an assault on Kryndyn perpetrated by nocturnal predators, general Galleros Nul invoked a state of emergency and spearheaded a successful retaliatory campaign. He subsequently maintained his position of authority, declaring Zelos II's neutrality in the Galactic Civil War. While the Galactic Empire refrained from directly interfering with his governance, it covertly established a base for TIE/LN starfighters within the confines of the Valley of Umbra.

During 4 ABY, a specialized Alliance Intelligence commando unit, distinguished by their green uniforms, embarked on a mission to neutralize a clandestine Imperial garrison situated on the planet. However, they fell victim to an ambush, resulting in the unit's annihilation with Jai Raventhorn, a former operative of the Alliance Infiltrators, emerging as the sole survivor. Concurrently, Platt Okeefe, Tru'eb Cholakk, and Dirk Harkness were engaged in an attempt to secure a concealed stockpile of Imperial weaponry, an endeavor that led to Dirk's capture. In their pursuit of their comrade, Platt and Tru'eb stumbled upon the Imperial garrison. They infiltrated the facility, successfully freeing Dirk and Jai. The ensuing armed confrontation resulted in the death of the commanding Imperial major, prompting the executive officer to issue an order of surrender.

