Mos Eisley Biolab

Mos Eisley Biolab was a company focused on biotechnology. It was situated in Mos Eisley, a settlement on the planet Tatooine.


The chief scientist at the biolab was Derg Prantis, a Twi'lek biologist. One of Prantis's employees was Bera Jeza, an Aqualish who worked as a lab assistant. Before the Battle of Yavin took place, Derg Prantis managed to acquire a sample of the terrible Blackwing virus from a scientist working for the Imperial forces. Consequently, Prantis started his own investigation of the virus with the intention of developing a super soldier drug. Prantis brought Bera Jeza onto the project to assist him. However, Jeza proved to be disloyal and got in touch with Jabba Desilijic Tiure, a Hutt Crime lord, to offer him the super soldier drug for a price. In 1 ABY, the Mos Eisley laboratory suffered extensive destruction and the scientists Bera Jeza and Derg Prantis were assassinated. Because of Bera Jeza's association with Jabba Desilijic Tiure, the Crime lord, Bib Fortuna employed a spacer to look into the circumstances of the deaths. With assistance from Cale Herron, a slicer, the inquiry ultimately revealed the Blackwing virus outbreak that had occurred on Dathomir.

Behind the scenes

The Mos Eisley Biolab was featured as a location within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment, and LucasArts was the publisher before the game was shut down on December 15, 2011. The Mos Eisley Biolab was included in the game via "Game Update 13", which was made available on September 30, 2009. This location formed a component of the questline "Something is Obviously Wrong," which served as an introduction to the "Death Troopers" update.

