Cale Herron, a Zabrak male and expert slicer, made his home on Tatooine during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
This slicer, Cale Herron, established his residence in Mos Taike, a town situated on the desert world of Tatooine. Furthermore, he was the proprietor of an outpost located on the isolated planet Lok.
Subsequent to the Battle of Yavin, Cale Herron received contact from Derg Prantis, a biologist and long-standing acquaintance hailing from the Mos Eisley Biolab. Prantis had acquired a sample of the terrible Blackwing virus from an Imperial scientist and conducted independent research on the virus, aiming to develop a super-soldier serum. However, Prantis was double-crossed by his lab assistant, Bera Jeza, who reached out to the Hutt Crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure with the intention of selling the drug. Derg Prantis requested assistance in evacuating a secret laboratory on Lok, positioned near Cale Herron's outpost, and in eliminating any traces of evidence. Sometime later, Herron began an investigation into the disappearances of several prominent scientists throughout the galaxy.

In the year 1 ABY, Derg Prantis, along with his assistant Bera Jeza, met their end through assassination on Tatooine. Given the connection between Jeza and Jabba the Hutt, Bib Fortuna, his majordomo, engaged a spacer to delve into the circumstances surrounding the crime. Subsequently, Cale Herron was contacted by the spacer, who had discovered a data disk on Prantis's body containing the scientist's final words and instructions to get in touch with Herron. The spacer encountered the slicer in Mos Taike, and the two decided to collaborate in the pursuit of the assassin.
Nevertheless, Bib Fortuna pressed the spacer to resolve the case promptly. Consequently, Herron proposed that the spacer implicate Lady Valarian, Jabba's rival on Tatooine. The spacer paid a visit to Lady Valarian at the Lucky Despot in Mos Eisley, accusing her of the murder. Unsurprisingly, Lady Valarian was unwilling to accept responsibility for a murder she had not sanctioned. In response, Valarian instructed the assassin Titus Sypknee to eliminate the spacer, but he was quickly dispatched by the spacer. Ultimately, the spacer compelled Lady Valarian to provide compensation to Jabba the Hutt.

Later, Cale Herron and the spacer journeyed to the slicer's outpost on Lok to further their investigation. Herron tasked the spacer with examining Derg Prantis's clandestine laboratory on Lok. The spacer discovered that the lab had been subjected to a brutal assault, with the entire staff having been murdered. Ultimately, the spacer located a mysterious datapad adjacent to the corpse of a dead Twi'lek. Meanwhile, Cale accessed the satellites orbiting Lok and intercepted a significant volume of communication traffic originating from the planet Dathomir. Consequently, the spacer traveled to the source of the transmission on Dathomir. Upon arrival, the spacer observed that the area was under quarantine by Imperial military forces. Despite this, the spacer managed to converse with three frightened individuals, Illrian Nhagy, Tk-216, Tyla Gallamby, from whom the spacer learned that an incident had occurred at a secret Imperial Research and Prison Facility, leading to an outbreak of the Blackwing virus. After uncovering this alarming situation, Cale Herron eventually contacted the Rebel Alliance to inform them of the events unfolding on Dathomir. Subsequently, the spacer was recruited to work within the Quarantine Zone.
Cale Herron made an appearance as a non-player character (NPC) within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. Cale Herron was integrated into the game with the release of "Game Update 13," which occurred on September 30, 2009. This NPC played a role in the questline entitled "Something is Obviously Wrong," an introductory segment to the "Death Troopers" update.