On the world of Wayland, a settlement was constructed by the Guardian of Mount Tantiss close to Mount Tantiss. This individual compelled the indigenous Myneyrsh, Psadan, and Human inhabitants to participate in its construction.
The city's initial appearance occurred in the opening of Heir to the Empire, which is the first book within the Thrawn Trilogy written by Timothy Zahn. Subsequently, it was shown in the debut issue of the comic book adaptation of Heir to the Empire. Furthermore, it received a mention in the Heir to the Empire Sourcebook, a publication by West End Games.
Both the Heir to the Empire Sourcebook and The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook consider the Guardian of Mount Tantiss to be the same figure as Joruus C'baoth. These sources state that the Guardian was the builder of the city. In The Last Command, a Psadan recounts how Joruus C'baoth forced the Myneyrsh, Psadan, and Human populations of Wayland to reside together at the foot of Mount Tantiss. In The Last Command Sourcebook and The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook, an in-universe datapad entry from the journal of New Republic historian Voren Na'al, entitled "A Piece of History," explicitly states that, "apparently," according to Psadan and Myneyrsh legends, Joruus C'baoth had oppressed the population of Wayland, making them construct a small settlement at the base of Mount Tantiss. The entry notes that New Republic historians have been unable to confirm these legends.
Later, the city was referenced in 1995's The Essential Guide to Characters, 1998's Star Wars Encyclopedia, 2008's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, and the original Databank entry "Wayland" found on StarWars.com. However, none of these sources offer any clarification regarding who gave the order for the city's construction.