Murk, a minor planetoid, existed within the Murk system, situated in the Moddell subsector of the Outer Rim Territories' expansive region. This desolate celestial body presented an airless environment, characterized by a barren, rocky terrain and notably weak gravity. The Galactic Empire established the Sanctuary Pipeline, a dedicated hyperlane for the transportation of construction materials destined for the Death Star II battle station orbiting within the Endor system. Consequently, the Murk system served as the route's second-to-last stop along this vital hyperspace corridor.
An Imperial cargo-transfer station was constructed on the planetoid. Here, shipments arriving via the Sanctuary Pipeline were offloaded before being sent onward to the Endor system. Following the Battle of Endor, Tagoonta of the Shell Hutt clan sought refuge at the Murk transfer station, fleeing from problems within Hutt Space.
Murk was a terrestrial planetoid that resided in the Murk system. It was located in the Outer Moddell systems area of the Moddell subsector, which itself was a component of the Inner Zuma Region within the Outer Rim Territories' Zuma sector.
As the innermost planetoid of its star system, Murk completed a rotation in eleven standard hours, and its orbit around its sun, a red dwarf of the same name, took ninety-eight local days. Murk was a frigid and airless barren rock, exhibiting a gravity force equivalent to half of the standard.
During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Galactic Empire initiated the construction of the Death Star II battle station above the Forest Moon of Endor within the Endor system. To facilitate the rapid and covert transportation of essential materials to Endor, the Empire artificially extended the Silvestri Trace hyperlane directly from Sullust in the Brema sector to Endor. The Murk system became the second to last stop on this new hyperspace route, known as the Sanctuary Pipeline.

To further conceal the Death Star project, an Imperial cargo-transfer station was established on Murk. It served as the point where shipments arriving via the Sanctuary Pipeline were unloaded for subsequent transport to the Endor system. Following the Rebel Alliance's victory over the Empire at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Sanctuary Pipeline became largely unnavigable, leading to the abandonment of the Murk transfer station. By the time the New Republic was in power, Tagoonta, a Shell Hutt, and his entourage sought refuge at the transfer station, escaping difficulties in Hutt Space.
Before the Battle of Endor, Imperial personnel stationed at the Murk cargo-transfer station were responsible for offloading raw materials and components from deep-space haulers and superfreighters that traveled the Sanctuary Pipeline. After the transfer station was abandoned, it became the residence of the Hutt Tagoonta's band of retainers. As a result, precise population figures for Murk were unavailable during the era of the New Republic.
An Imperial cargo-transfer station was situated on Murk. It included a landing field and both surface and orbital facilities. After the Battle of Endor, scavengers plundered some of the transfer station's more valuable components.
The planetoid Murk was initially mentioned in the article "Endor and the Moddell Sector," written by Craig Robert Carey, Daniel Wallace, and Jason Fry. It was published in Star Wars Gamer 9 on February 22, 2002. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, placed the Murk system, and thus the planetoid, within grid square H-16.
- " Endor and the Moddell Sector " — Star Wars Gamer 9 (First mentioned)
- The Essential Atlas