Nace was a Sith Acolyte in the re-emerging Sith Empire, receiving instruction on the academy planet of Odacer-Faustin circa 3645 BBY. Under the tutelage of Sith Blademaster Shak'Weth, Nace honed his lightsaber skills, with his proficiency acknowledged by fellow student Wim Nickter. When Rance Lussk, a particularly gifted acolyte at the academy, sought to test his mettle against a peer, Nickter considered Nace a viable contender due to their similar abilities. Ultimately, Lussk selected Nickter, and Nace observed, along with his dueling cohort, as Rance swiftly and decisively overcame Nickter. Nace demonstrated skill as a lightsaber combatant, belonging to a tier of talent that encompassed fellow Sith trainees such as Jura Ostrogoth, Scopique, Rance Lussk, and Mnah Ra'at.
Joe Schreiber featured Nace in his 2010 novel, Red Harvest.