
Nace was a Sith Acolyte in the re-emerging Sith Empire, receiving instruction on the academy planet of Odacer-Faustin circa 3645 BBY. Under the tutelage of Sith Blademaster Shak'Weth, Nace honed his lightsaber skills, with his proficiency acknowledged by fellow student Wim Nickter. When Rance Lussk, a particularly gifted acolyte at the academy, sought to test his mettle against a peer, Nickter considered Nace a viable contender due to their similar abilities. Ultimately, Lussk selected Nickter, and Nace observed, along with his dueling cohort, as Rance swiftly and decisively overcame Nickter. Nace demonstrated skill as a lightsaber combatant, belonging to a tier of talent that encompassed fellow Sith trainees such as Jura Ostrogoth, Scopique, Rance Lussk, and Mnah Ra'at.

Behind the scenes

Joe Schreiber featured Nace in his 2010 novel, Red Harvest.

