Wim Nickter was a male Human who, in 3645 BBY, was training as an apprentice at the Sith academy located on the planet of Odacer-Faustin. To become a true acolyte after studying at the academy, Wim faced several trials. One of these involved a lightsaber duel against Sith Acolyte Rance Lussk. Nickter stood no chance against him, effectively ending his hopes of Sith mastery. Following his defeat in the training exercise, Nickter sustained moderate injuries. Subsequently, he was abducted from the Sith Academy's medical bay and taken to the secret laboratory of Darth Scabrous, where he was imprisoned. Despite Nickter's attempts to escape, he remained confined. In an attempt to subdue the pain, Scabrous introduced a yellow-colored liquid into Nickter's body through tubes connected to his spinal cord, extending from his lower back to his head. After acquiring a Murakami orchid from bounty hunter Tulkh, Scabrous mixed it with the substance. Injecting this concoction into Nickter resulted in his death. However, within minutes, his corpse underwent a transformation into a zombie, enabling him to break free from his confinement. The zombie then initiated a violent rampage throughout the laboratory, inflicting injuries upon Scabrous and causing the death of Jura Ostrogoth.
Scabrous used the Force to hurl the reanimated student and Ostrogoth out of the tower's window. They landed near Mnah Ra'at and Rance Lussk. Lussk left his comrade to face the undead Nickter, who bit Ostrogoth's broken body, thus infecting him. Ra'at managed to evade his former fellow student and temporarily stop him by trapping his leg under some debris from the tower. However, the seemingly dead corpse revived, causing Ra'at to fall from the ledge they were on. Later, Hestizio Trace and Tulkh encountered Nickter. Although trapped, he screamed, alerting his fellow undead to their presence. When the academy was destroyed, his body was likely incinerated.