
Nahata, a male criminal, was employed by the Exchange, serving under the direction of both Benok and Loppak Slusk at Citadel Station. His violent actions led him to rapidly rise in notoriety and become a dreaded figure. Possessing both self-assurance and a lack of compassion, along with proficiency in using blasters, he and Matu made a strong team, as Matu's skill with blades and Nahata's skill with blasters worked well together. Despite his initial confidence going into the fight against the Exile, Nahata's assessment of his likelihood of success was overly optimistic. Meetra Surik killed Nahata, along with Benok and Matu.

Behind the scenes

The initial encounter the player has with Nahata in the cantina depicts him as an Aqualish; however, in the subsequent encounter within Loppak Slusk's room, he is shown to be a Rodian. It's possible he was a changeling, but it could also be an error made during development.

