Naos Asteroid Belt

The Naos Asteroid Belt could be found within the Naos system, which itself was located in the Slice region of Wild Space. Approximately 7000 BBY, Dathka Graush, a Sith King who held dominion over the faraway planet of Korriban, took up residence in a fortress situated within the asteroid belt.

Sometime around 3643 BBY, a person involved in the struggle that was happening between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire searched for, and ultimately discovered, the fortress located in the Naos Asteroid Belt.

Behind the scenes

The Naos Asteroid Belt made its debut as part of an Archaeology Crew Skill mission featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game from 2011 that was created by BioWare; however, details about the mission's results were later taken out of the game. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, identified the location of the Naos system, and consequently the asteroid belt, as grid square S-18.

