
Nebaél was a S'kytri woman from the Highland Clans located on the planet of Skye, according to legends. As the Speaker of the Supreme Council which governed the world, she made her home in the City of the Winged People, the planet's capital.


In the year 22 BBY, Nebaél, a S'kytri of the Highland Clans, held the position of Speaker for the Supreme Council. During this time, Zeta Magnus, a deranged Arkanian mutant, unleashed a deadly pathogen upon the people of Skye, declaring himself Magister. Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with his two Padawans, Anakin Skywalker and Halagad Ventor, were brought before the Council to deliberate on the future of the ruling Tyrant. Nebaél initiated the proceedings by reminding everyone present that offworlders were to blame for Magnus' plague and the destruction of their cities. Fearing that the Jedi had come to exploit the planet's resources and abandon them to their fate, Nebaél questioned the wisdom of Patriarch Klarymére in pledging eternal allegiance to the Jedi should they succeed in defeating Magnus. While the Patriarch defended his choice, Jedi Kenobi interjected and addressed Nebaél, speaking about the Jedi's Prophecy of the Chosen One. He introduced Skywalker as the Chosen One, emphasizing the Padawan's name. Ventor then used the Force to levitate Skywalker out of the Council's grand windows, stunning Nebaél and the rest of the Council. Following this display and with a touch of Force persuasion from the Patriarch's daughter Kharys, Nebaél granted the offworlders permission to move freely and work on behalf of the Council to eliminate the threat posed by Magnus. With Nebaél's approval, Kenobi instructed her to gather her soldiers in preparation for an assault on Magnus' citadel upon his signal. When the moment arrived, Nebaél deployed her soldiers against the citadel, and Magnus' forces were ultimately defeated. She upheld her promise of eternal fealty to the Jedi, but declared that no other offworlder would be welcomed to their world because of the violence Magnus had inflicted.

Behind the scenes

The name Nebaél initially appeared in the Ultimate Alien Anthology as an example name for S'kytri characters. Later, Abel G. Peña used it in his novella titled SkyeWalkers: A Clone Wars Story.

